Earlier this week, approximately 10 palm trees were planted at the foot of the Heide Trask drawbridge, as part of a beautification project by the North Carolina Department of Transportation. What do you think of this addition to the entrance to Wrightsville Beach?
Your State Tax Dollars at work or some may call it the New WB. Either way it be ugly and unnatural kinda like some old time families around here.
Well the comments in this weeks Lumina from Mayor Pat in regards to us rez being ungrateful was off the mark. Twisted Oaks ,Oleanders and Flowers as well as other more natural vegetation would be much more the call here. The money was hardly free and also could be spent along the median on Eastwood to replace many of the trees lost the past few years . A little cause and effect planning was needed rather a rush to judgment and a call to a landscape planner would of been very wise.
Why do people not understand that palm trees are not part of the North Carolina landscape. Please use your head and plant some native bushes or trees next time. They will require less upkeep, and actually help wrightsville at least attempt to retain its culture.
i wish you people would stop for one minute and realize how snobby you all sound. quit your whining and complaining and focus your efforts on real world issues. you people have it made and you are still not happy!
The palm trees are ugly and unnatural. If we were going to get trees our Town Government should have been consulted first. Something this big at the very entrance to our Town defines our image. They should be removed before we get stuck with them forever.
quit your whining and complaining and focus your efforts on real world issues. you people have it made and you are still not happy!
Made it ? Speak for your self . I still work everyday and pay my share of taxes and also feel this was a waste and is down right UGLY.
The Palm Trees need water or they're going to die!
The palm trees need water or they're going to die!
These things take care of themselves - ugly and not of "our" world comes to mind..... however, if hurricanes, tidal surge, draught, or other natural causes do not succeed in killing them off then perhaps they'll become transplanted locals. Time will tell.... As will mother nature.
In the meantime, let's plant more of our native population species!
will they decorate them for christmas?
I can't believe any one would complain about the State planting trees to improve the road. Give me a break.
Call it whiney if you want, but you could also call it arrogant or incompetent. The trees planted clearly don’t fit in with the rest of the city's landscaping. City planning, be it roads, zoning (like building a parking deck or rezoning commercial into residential/mixed use), lamp posts or landscaping is all designed to achieve a desired end.
Either the person who planted the trees didn't consider the plan (arrogance) or didn't understand it (incompetence).
Take the landscaping along the loop for example, or look at the beautification projects they have done what they have done with the flotilla money - how could those palm trees possibly be consistent with that?
How many palms ever get to the "beautiful" point on WB? Not very many because they take a lot of water and a lot of care. Guess who pays for that? Us, the taxpayers. I'd rather see a natural, indigenous planting that would take care of itself and maybe some benches or picnic tables for folks to sit and enjoy the space. Was anyone consulted before those horrid things were "given" to us? And what about the scorpions that are expected to eventually come to WB, hidden in palm trees, of course.
Another view of the water blocked! What little one could see of boats going down the waterway under the bridge is now blocked by the trees.
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