Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Real Estate Transfer Tax

The Wrightsville Beach Board of Aldermen will discuss the possibility of implementing a real-estate transfer tax at their meeting on Sept. 14.
A real-estate transfer tax could be levied on a buyer or a seller when a house is sold. Proceeds from the tax could be handed over to the town to use at their discretion, or could be earmarked for major projects. However, only counties and not towns have been successful in implementing the tax.
What do you think about a real estate transfer tax? Do you think it would help or harm the town?


Anonymous said...

The question should not be about additional taxes on existing or new residents. Rather, our alderman should focus on gaining better partnership with New Hanover county leaders to receive a higher percentage of the annual property tax collections. As I recall, we had candidates in our last election that gained admiration from many for just talking about the need for better relations and the potential benefits of more cooperation with county leaders. Until the actions of those proposing these additional taxes can demonstrate substantive progress in the primary problem of fail-grade relations with county leaders, this subject of a real estate transfer tax seem to be a cheap side show, and unworthy of further consideration.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with the first blogger. Our town officials should get off their duffs and talk to the county officials until they agree to deliver more of our "property tax money" back to our town. The proportion of taxes we pay is way out of line for the services we receive from county. Communication and relationships with each other make a big difference. I hope voting citizens will remember this for the next election and vote "communicators" into office.

Anonymous said...

I think that Alderman Cignotti has got an idea that is well worth talking about. I hope to hear more about a Real Estate Transfer Tax. It seems as if it might be a more equitable way to distribute the cost of government than relying so much on the ad valorum tax.

Raleighite said...

Make homeowners pay for everything at Wrightsville Beach when people from all over the country come here and use the facilities? Dumbest idea yet.

Raleighite said...

Make homeowners pay for all of the local fees when half the country comes here and has impact on the beach? Then we don't need to share it with the rest of the world. Dumbest idea yet.